Stress Management Center

AWAKEN & ALIGN : Hatha Therapeutics
with Teresa Owen

October 30 (Wednesday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
90 minutes


AWAKEN & ALIGN : Hatha Therapeutics

Each class will begin with a series of gentle warm-ups designed to balance the pelvis and release tension in the spine. This is followed by various sequences designed to align the body from and integrate the nervous system orientation to center/core. Classes are designed to create more stability and fluidity. Movements and asana instruction will be tailored to student's needs and requests. Each class will conclude with breath work, calming visualization, and chanting. All levels welcome.--


This virtual class uses the same Zoom link every week. Reservations are recommended so that your instructor knows to expect you. Once you have reserved your place in class, please copy and paste this link in your browser and use it to attend the Zoom meeting: 


Please make sure to have an active class card ahead of time.


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